Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I'm Ready

Spongebob Squarepants is a cartoon character. Cartoon people are great. They are uni-dimensional. Anyway, he is always going to work chanting: "I'm ready! I'm ready!" It's a sing-song type of thing. He is a grease cook. He loves his job. He's always singing and happy and ready. Today, I'm just not ready. What I want to do is go to Selby's gardens (a botanical garden) with my wife and roam around the orchid house for a while, take pictures, and read. We could sit and have a cup of tea there. That's what I'm ready for. It's not that I don't love my job. It's not that I don't like the patients. It's just that sometimes a work day comes on a day that should be a get away and rest day. Then what are we supposed to do? I think I'll be able to do a good job. I hope it will still be my best. I think, though, on days like today there is a slight sparkle that isn't quite there that you can't completely fake. I wonder how actors and actresses on Broadway do that? What do they do when they're not ready. Everything depends on that extra sparkle. There is a piece of your soul that is used to get certain jobs done. Being a doctor is piece entertainer. You have to make patients feel better somehow. That's what entertainers do: make people feel better. So they are the same. The difference is that entertainers take people away from reality into fantasy. Doctors make people feel better in the face of reality. It's a subtle distinction. But I think it's harder to have happiness in reality than in fantasy. That's why you make a lot more money as an entertainer: you create more happy people. Today, I think my wife isn't ready either. I think she'd rather go to the beach than come in here and run the office and make sure everything goes right. I bet I could talk her out of the beach and into Selby's though. Actually, she needs new shirts. I could talk her into going to buy new shirts. Sometimes, I wish that I could just cancel the day and play "hooky" like kids used to do in school. I did that once in my junior year of high school. I got caught. The problem with it now is that there are patients who need to come here. So it's not an option anymore. Perhaps I should call SpongeBob and find out his secret. Sponges don't actually have brains though. Actually, invertebrates don't generally have brains. They have collections of neurons. Anyway -- animal neurology is an entirely different issue. I digress.

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