Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Getting Through the Workday

July 10, 2007

Yesterday was pretty good. I got through the Monday, which is typically the hardest. Especially after five days of no work. I haven't kept my angel in my pocket for a while, and yesterday and today I have. It's a small piece of metal, about the size of a quarter, with an angel stamped on it. It's silly, I suppose, but very helpful.

Today I took the bicycle to work. It's good for the environment and good for the body. It takes about 20 to 25 minutes, and that's a good time to think. In the car, for some reason, I seem to think less. I've made a very good pot of green tea with Jasmine flavor for today. The day has plenty of open spaces in it, since it's July. This July is slower than any I've ever had. It's bad for income, but good for rest and studying and developing new thoughts and new directions. So the plan will be to get through the day with a good attitude; to be happy and appreciate things. Appreciation and Thankfulness are the most important aspects of the battle against consumerism. Consumerism is the religion of the day, and it's not a good one. It creates suffering. It also creates obesity. The culture creates advertising and even more subtle and serious, it creates an entire way of thinking that is for the benefit of capitalism, which is essentially for the benefit of the large coorporations and ultra-wealthy. For the regular people, it is creating alienation, depression (anti-depressants are the number one prescribed class of drugs in America), and a sense of depersonalization. So I need to practice appreciation and thankfulness today. That's always hard when I see that the schedule isn't full: I worry that I won't have "enough" money.

The schedule looks like it's going to have some pretty good patients.

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